Custom T-Shirts are Available for Purchase (2 Weeks Only)
sáb, 28 mar
Grunt Style T-shirts created a custom foundation t-shirt for you to purchase.

Time & Location
28 de mar de 2020, 3:00 p. m. – 10 de abr de 2020, 11:40 p. m.
About the Event
We consider it an excellent opportunity and an honor to have work with Grunt Style T-shirts to create a custom foundation t-shirt for you to purchase. Matthew was the kind of kid that helped anyone he met. He showed new kids around the school. He was considered the "ambassador" of his academy for his likeability & openness. Matt was always taking up & protecting kids that got bullied at school. Also, he wanted to serve his country in the military like his father when he grew up. His parents, however, never knew that he was playing a dangerous game called the "Choking Game" with people online. This game, unfortunately, took his life on March 7th, 2019. It is our sincere belief that with your help, this t-shirt can help to bring awareness to a threat to our children and young people called the "Choking Game." This threat is a childhood asphyxiation game that took the life of our son and foundation namesake Matthew Minor. But this game does not have to cause young people to lose their lives if we can increase awareness. Children are playing this game through online social formats. Many parents and adults do not know their kids are participating in these games.